Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tara Says

I have something to blog about. So lets play a little game of empty the cell phone photo's.

This is my future niece. ( Some of my family begs it to be a nephew)

Isn't she cute , kinda looks like a gummy bear She is due on June 10th, I am so excited.

This is Corgan, The big brother, He has grown out of his gummy bear Stage. I freaking love this kid!!!

This my friends is David Osmond one that was on American Idol, I met the guy, okay concert. . . Cool story huh

This Is Ben, We went to the pet store for fun one day. The birds loved him, so much they got jealous of him and fought over him. Resulting in this priceless photo.

And this is me and Corgan just taking a nice drive home from Draper. He really does smile some times. And He likes me most of the time.

I will update this again in six months!!